Video – Microfiltration of Oil in Combine Harvester

Watch this video for a hydraulic oil microfiltration procedure on a combine.

Understand more about hydraulic oil microfiltration

The presence of water and solid microparticles in the hydraulic oil is one of the factors that most damages the equipment. In addition to reducing the useful life, contamination can still generate several financial damages. Therefore, microfiltration of hydraulic oil is essential.

As industry professionals explain, microfiltration of hydraulic oil helps prevent the following problems:

  • Excessive consumption;
  • Reduced service life of bearings and other parts;
  • Equipment failures and slowness;
  • Oxidation of nozzles, pumps and injection engines;
  • Saturation of filters;
  • Stopped machines;


It should be noted that microfiltration of hydraulic oil is a process capable of containing particles that are not eliminated by traditional filtration, which normally only retains large and medium residues.

The technology eliminates solid waste with pores between 0.1 to 10 micrometers, separating the particles that contaminate the oil. That is, the fine and ultrafine particles, which means a more effective and safer retention for the equipment.

See when to perform hydraulic oil microfiltration

Knowing when to microfiltrate hydraulic oil can raise doubts. However, specialized professionals from POC Filters explain that there are several ways to find out.

The first of them is through oil analysis, which is done in the laboratory after sample collection. The procedure is able to identify impurities contained in the hydraulic oil, such as excess water or particles, for example.

Oil analysis is essential for preventive maintenance, as it allows the identification of problems and the consequent action to avoid serious failures. This avoids unnecessary and higher than expected expenses. The procedure also detects if the oil needs to be changed.

In addition, microfiltration of hydraulic oil is also recommended for the new product. It should be noted that the oil may suffer contamination at the source, during transport, storage, or transfer.

The third tip, which represents savings, is to microfiltrate hydraulic oil from broken machines. Contrary to what some may think, the oil from the broken machine does not need to be thrown away if it is still within the expiration date stipulated by the manufacturer. According to experts, microfiltration is sufficient for it to be used again.

Read too

I did the analysis of lubricating oil. And now?

Microfiltration reduces costs: understand how

In case of doubt, contact professionals

Microfiltration of hydraulic oil is essential for preventive maintenance, reducing unnecessary costs, increasing productivity and the life of the equipment. Thus, if you have any doubts about the procedure, contact POC Filters professionals, who are always available to assist in the search for the best solutions for your equipment.


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